

The consulting company Moverim (SME) was founded in 2001 and has since then been involved in several European projects. Its founders have been working since the early ‘90s in raising and managing funds for R&D of a series of clients including European universities, research centres, SMEs, non-profit organisations and industries. Moverim expertise covers all kinds of areas closely related to research and innovation, such as handling legal issues concerning EU regulation and cooperation agreements for international and private-public partnerships. In addition, the company supports their clients in the interpretation and implementation of financial rules of major EU programmes (in particular Horizon 2020) and the calculation of optimal budgets.

Laura Vivani

founder of Moverim, holds a degree in economics from the Politecnica delle Marche and a postgraduate degree in science and communication. Laura has been working since the early ‘90s on EU financial programmes, in particular on SME support, universities and public bodies. Laura has extensive experience in financial instruments promoting science, research and technological innovation as well as in designing dissemination and communication strategies for EU projects. Thanks to her 20 years of experience in the field, she is an efficient and proactive coordinator with significant leadership abilities.

Silvia Anastasia

holds a degree in political science from the University of Padua and a postgraduate degree in project management from the Free University of Brussels. She has been working in Moverim since 2007 where she rapidly became a key player. Silvia is a skilful project manager and thanks to her 10 years of experience she successfully manages the dissemination and communication part of Moverim’s projects.