Universität Wien
The University of Vienna was founded in 1365. It is the oldest university in the German-speaking world and one of the largest in Central Europe. It is associated with 15 Nobel prize winners and has been the academic home of a large number of figures both of historical and academic importance. Currently, about 89,700 students are enrolled at the University of Vienna. They can select from 178 degree programmes, including 57 bachelor’s programmes, 2 diploma programmes and 105 master’s, PhD and doctoral programmes. With 9,793 employees, 70% (6,844) of which are academics, the University of Vienna is the largest teaching and research institution in Austria.
moved to the University of Vienna in November 2019 after previously holding academic positions at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany; 2016-2019) and King’s College London (United Kingdom; 2005-2016). She is a pharmacist by training, gaining a PhD in the subject of biopharmacy, where she began investigations into the biocompatibility of polymer nanoparticles as vehicles for sustained drug delivery in the lung. This initial interest has led to > 15 years studying the respiratory toxicity of polymeric materials, using both biodegradable and non-biodegradable, persistent polymers (i.e. nanoplastics) to perform fundamental investigations into the role of material surface hydrophobicity in inhalation toxicity. Her lab has developed expertise in the manufacture and characterization of polymer nanomaterials and uses in vitro as well as in vivo methodologies to assess their respiratory toxicity.